So this is the general form of what I'm trying to do:

import std.stdio;

class Foo(uint something)
  Foo opBinary(string op)(Foo rhs) const
    if (op == "*")
    writeln("calling Foo.*");

class Bar : Foo!(3)
  // ...

class Baz : Foo!(4)

void main()
  auto bar = new Bar();
  auto baz = new Baz();

  auto foo = bar * baz;
  // errors with
// tinker.d(28): Error: 'cast(Object)bar' is not of arithmetic type, it is a object.Object // tinker.d(28): Error: 'baz' is not of arithmetic type, it is a tinker.Baz

I'm still fairly new to D, and my google-fu has failed me. I don't understand this error. If I remove the templating from all 3 classes, it compiles just fine, and does what I would expect.

It feels like the compiler is maybe ignoring Foo.opBinary? Does the compiler not consider Foo!4 to be a valid argument for Foo.opBinary? If that's the case, is there a way to tell the compiler that Foo.opBinary should accept all specializations for a parameter?

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