There is no such thing as transformation of existing entity on compile-time in D. Despite having similar syntax Python decorators don't really have much in common with User-Defined Attributes. Attributes can never change symbol/type they are attached to, they only represent additional information available at compile-time.

Right now idiomatic D way to do such thing is via two-step declaration and mixin:

private string generateFromImpl(alias func)()
    import std.string : format;
    import std.array : join;
    import std.traits : ParameterIdentifierTuple;

    string code;

    // signature
    code ~= "extern(C) ";
    code ~= cloneFunctionDeclaration!func(
        __traits(identifier, func)[$-4, $] // new name, XImpl -> X

    // body
    code ~= format(
         [ ParameterIdentifierTuple!func ].join(",")

public mixin template pythonEntry(alias func)

import pythonEntry;

auto nameImpl() {
    // ...

mixin pythonEntry!nameImpl; // will add `name` function you want

As you can see it is not very obvious. In practice it is even much more complicated as I have skipped implementation of cloneFunctionDeclaration - one that I use for vibe.d takes quite a lot of space -

One can also use module introspection + UDA to automatically do such mixin for all function attrbiuted with @pythonentry but it is even more code so I'd prefer to not paste it here :)

Unfortunately Phobos is currently lacking some very common code generation helpers used in idiomatic D metaprogramming. I plan to work on improvements in that direction after tuple situation is taken care of.

P.S. If my talk proposal for DConf is going to be accepted, it will cover this very topic, extensively :P

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