On Wednesday, 5 February 2014 at 11:01:00 UTC, Mike wrote:
This article (http://dlang.org/memory.html#raii) mentions a "scope attribute".

The following section (http://dlang.org/memory.html#stackclass) mentions a "scope storage class".

This deprecated list (http://dlang.org/deprecate.html#scope%20for%20allocating%20classes%20on%20the%20stack) states that the "scope keyword" has been deprecated.

Are all these terms ("scope attribute", "scope keyword", and "scope storage class") referring to the same thing?


D documentation has rather incosistent naming for attribute groups.

- scope classes are deprecated, but usage of scope as storage class is still legal (it is expected to be a no-op for now)

- scope storage class for function parameters is also accepted as no-op. For delegates it actually has a meaning. No deprecation.

- scope statement as in scope(exit) was never suggested to be deprecated.

- scope attribute most likely refers to declaration of scope classes and this is deprecated with them

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