On Monday, 10 February 2014 at 00:30:14 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Sunday, February 09, 2014 19:18:05 Dicebot wrote:
Usage of selective imports is also encouraged.

Not so much. At least, not right now. They don't work right and tend to cause
symbol conflicts:


Now, once they're fixed, I could see an argument for using them, but until then, I'd advise staying away from them - at least in library code where the modules that you're writing are likely to be imported by other modules; it won't matter so much if it's the module with main in it and nothing is importing it. Certainly, using them in something like Phobos is generally a
bad idea at this point.

Personally, I'm not sure that I'd use them even once they're fixed unless I really only need one or two symbols out of the module, as it gets tedious otherwise, but I know that some people do really like the idea of making it very explicit which symbols are being used from a module being imported.

- Jonathan M Davis

Awesome. Thanks for the information. I've found a few places I think it makes sense, but I was a little worried about doing it everywhere. Code bloat city.

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