BigInt is a struct == ValueType, suppose i can assign const(BigInt) to BigInt
const(BigInt)/const(BigInt) do not compile.

Is it a bug or design considerations?

import std.stdio;
import std.bigint;

void foo(BigInt b)
        std.stdio.writefln("foo(%s)", b);

void main()
        const BigInt b = BigInt("445216415446");

        auto b1 = b / b;


$ dmd test.d
/tmp/test.d(14): Error: 'b' is not of arithmetic type, it is a const(BigInt) /tmp/test.d(14): Error: 'b' is not of arithmetic type, it is a const(BigInt) /tmp/test.d(16): Error: function (BigInt b) is not callable using argument types (const(BigInt))

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