On 02/21/14 18:57, Uranuz wrote:
> In my template functions, classes it's necessary to write variadic template 
> parameter list, where elements are options to this class/function  changing 
> it's behaviour. But they are optional and may be not set at all. These 
> options may be folowed by variadic template parameter list that will be 
> processed in static foreach loop. What I'm thinking about is creating some 
> sort of key-value tuple syntax like in associative arrays. For example I 
> could set components or options of my template in easy-to-read manner.

You could wrap all the options in special types, as already suggested. If you 
want to do that, and only need them to affect /local/ behavior, something like 
will work:

   class Foo(string OPTS, A...) {
      private static {
         auto _getOpts() {
            struct O {
               byte opt1;
               string opt2 = "def";
               bool b;
               string[string] extra;
            struct ON { mixin("enum "~OPTS~";"); }
            O o;
            foreach (N; __traits(allMembers, ON))
               mixin("o. "~N~" = ON. "~N~";");
            return o;
         enum opts = _getOpts();
         auto _getExtra(K)(K k) { if (auto p = k in opts.extra) return *p; 
return null; }

      static if (opts.opt1>9)
         { /*...*/ pragma(msg, opts.opt1); }
      static if (opts.b && opts.opt2!="def")
         { /*...*/ pragma(msg, opts.opt2); }
      static if (_getExtra("b"))
         { /*...*/ pragma(msg, opts.extra["b"]); }

      /* handle 'A'... */

   void main() {
      alias MyFoo1 =
         Foo!q{opt1 = 42, opt2 = "blah", b = true, extra = ["a":"b", "b":"c"]};
      alias MyFoo2 = Foo!(q{b = false}, MyFoo1, 3.14, "etc");

Not ideal, but right now I can't think of a simpler solution, using today's D.


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