On Sunday, 23 February 2014 at 20:34:07 UTC, Gordon wrote:

I'm sure this can be done, I'm just not sure what are the correct terms to search for...

Given one interface, and multiple implementation classes, I want to create a list of the classes (in compile time).
A contrived example:
interface Animal
  static const string name() @property;
  void make_noise();

class Dog : Animal
   static const string name() @property { return "dog" ; }
   void make_noise() { writeln("Woof"); }

class Cat : Animal
   static const string name() @property { return "cat" ; }
   void make_noise() { writeln("Meow"); }

What I want is:

static const xxxxx[] available_animals = [ dog, cat ];

and then:

foreach (a; available_animals) {
   writeln("We have a ", a.name);

Given that "name" is a static member function, it should be doable. But I'm not sure about the correct syntax of defining "available_animals".

Any suggestions are welcomed,

import std.typetuple: TypeTuple;
alias available_animals = TypeTuple!(Dog, Cat);

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