It sounds suspicious. Clearly, you are not accessing a1 there, and clearly a1 is set before being used.

Any chance to reduce it?


I don't know. But I know that my little trick doesn't work in lifetime.d although it works locally. Here what I tried:

import std.stdio;

struct Foo {
        int id;

void main() {
        Foo[] fs;
        fs ~= Foo(45);
        fs ~= Foo(46);
        fs ~= Foo(47);
        fs ~= Foo(48);

        auto ti = typeid(fs);
        writeln("&ti = ", &ti);

        void* p = fs.ptr;

        void[] arr = *cast(void[]*) p;

        void* tp = cast(void*)((&arr) - cast(void*) 8);

        TypeInfo ti2 = *cast(TypeInfo*) tp;
        writeln(ti, " versus ", ti2);

Since rt_finalize and the GC have the same pointer as 'fs.ptr' I cast it to an array struct. From the pointer of this struct I subtract 8 (8 because of try and error until the pointer was equal the real TypeInfo pointer). This I can cast to the TypeInfo: it works. But not in lifetime.d. Was a try, but I have no idea why it doesn't work (the pointers aren't equal). An idea or alternative?

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