On Monday, 3 March 2014 at 23:27:42 UTC, Xavier Bigand wrote:
I thought it could be nice to have a static return.

My Idea is to remove unnecessary bracket encapsulation made with some static if statements.

It will works like this :

module xxx.opengl;

import buildSettings; // contains some global constants

static if (renderMode == directX)


So there will no more need to scope the module code and indent it.

Is it a good idea?

This is just to avoid brackets and the compulsion of indenting inside them, isn't it? ;-)

Version blocks can be used with colons (see http://forum.dlang.org/thread/lep2p3$2765$1...@digitalmars.com for a caveat). May be this syntax could be extended to module-level static ifs. D would look more and more like Python...

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