I updated to 2.065, and using visualD for the build on Windows. VisualD finds this setAttributes call in file.d, but the build fails to find it in the library. Does this build for someone else?

import std.file;

void clrReadOnly( in char[] name)
    uint oldAtt = getAttributes(name);
    version (Windows){
        import core.sys.windows.windows;
    setAttributes(name, oldAtt);

int main(string[] argv)
    return 0;

Error 1 Error: undefined identifier setAttributes, did you mean function getAttributes? D:\setatt\setatt\setatt\main.d 10

void setAttributes(in char[] name, uint attributes)
    version (Windows)
cenforce(SetFileAttributesW(std.utf.toUTF16z(name), attributes), name);

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