If I want to pass a dynamic array from one thread to another, then I use immutable(T)[] and it is safe. But what if I need to pass an associative array? I suppose that the use of immutable(T)[U] is unsafe. Because one thread can delete the entry and this will have an impact also on the instance of the array in another thread. So I have to use immutable(T[U]). But the immutability of the entire array makes the array reference immutable too:

immutable int[string] foo;
foo = assumeUnique(other); // error

For immutable classes we can use std.typecons.Rebindable:

Rebindable!(immutable Foo) foo;
foo = new immutable Foo; // fine

But for immutable associative arrays we can't:

Rebindable!(immutable int[string]) foo; // error
foo = assumeUnique(other);

Error: template instance std.typecons.Rebindable!(immutable(int[string])) does not match template declaration Rebindable(T) if (is(T == class) || is(T == interface) || isArray!T)

Should Rebindable to support associative arrays?

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