
alias short Type1;

The "alias X Y;" syntax is going to be deprecated, so use "alias Y = X;" if your compiler already supports it.

alias Type1[100]* Type2; // if I take out '*' I will have to type it everywhere, because arrays in D2 always 'by value'

Adding the * everywhere could be a good thing, because it makes the code more explicit. Even in Linux kernel typedefs that just mask out a pointer are not appreciated a lot. D code that uses pointers to fixed size arrays is very uncommon in D, so adding a * there is not going to cause troubles.

struct Type3
        Type1 key;
        int  flags;
        int  arrLen;
Type2 f; // this struct can be *optionally* extended by the array

The common way to create a variable length struct in D is to use a zero length fixed size array (and no pointers):

struct Type3 {
    Type1 key;
    int flags;
    int arrLen;
    Type1[0] f;

But if you don't mind the double indirection using a dynamic array is simpler:

struct Type3 {
    Type1 key;
    int flags;
    Type1[] f;


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