On Monday, 5 May 2014 at 17:14:54 UTC, Caslav Sabani wrote:

I have just started to learn D. Its a great language. I am trying to achieve the following but I am not sure is it possible or should be done at all:

I want to have one array where I will store like 100000 objects.

But I want to use 4 threads where each thread will create 25000 objects and store them in array above mentioned. And all 4 threads should be working in parallel because I have 4 core processor for example. I do not care in which order objects are created nor objects should be aware of one another. I just need them stored in array.

Can threading help in creating many objects at once?

Note that I am beginner at working with threads so any help is welcome :)


I could be wrong here, but I think that the GC actually blocks when creating objects, and thus multiple threads creating instances would not provide a significant speedup, possibly even a slowdown.

You'd want to benchmark this to be certain it helps.

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