The example code from core.sync.rwmutex seems bugged. After copying it I added an import for core.sync.rwmutex, and moved the executions of runTest into...well:
void main()
{    runTest(ReadWriteMutex.Policy.PREFER_READERS);

Then I tried to compile it.  I got the following error messages:
test3.d(36): Error: class core.sync.rwmutex.ReadWriteMutex member m_commonMutex is not accessible test3.d(38): Error: class core.sync.rwmutex.ReadWriteMutex member m_numQueuedReaders is not accessible test3.d(39): Error: class core.sync.rwmutex.ReadWriteMutex member m_numQueuedWriters is not accessible

Checking out the documentation, I don't see that they SHOULD be accessible, so I think the compiler's correct, and the example is wrong.

P.S.: Does anyone have a good working example of rwmutex? I'm trying to build a hash table that is write accessible from one thread, and readable from anywhere, and this looked like the best way to do it...except that when I start to figure out how to use it I get errors.

Also does anyone have any examples of two directional communication between two particular threads (a bit more than just yes/no) in the presence of multiple other threads, so that when a thread asks another for information, only that other thread is allowed to reply? Perhaps that's a better way to implement the shared-read hash table. (I'd like to use std.concurrency, but I can't figure out how one is supposed to manage specific inter-thread communications.)

Charles Hixson

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