On 5/23/2014 6:01 PM, Jack wrote:
On Friday, 23 May 2014 at 08:36:29 UTC, Rene Zwanenburg wrote:
On Friday, 23 May 2014 at 08:17:28 UTC, Jack wrote:
Erm excuse me. Does the current DerelictAL come with alut
bindings? If not, does it come with libaudio then?

I saw this very old page on the internet about DerelictAL having
some alut bindings:

But I can't find any alut functions.

The current iteration of DerelictAL does not include ALUT. AFAIK, alut is a dead library that hasn't been updated in years. I don't have any plans to add it to DerelictOrg. You can use DerelictUtil to create your own binding for it if you absolutely need it, but I think you'd be better served by ALURE.

There's DerelictALURE, will that work for you?


Thanks for this. Does this have any documentation, or do I use it
like alut ?

As per the project readme, DerelictALURE is a binding to the 'AL Utilities REtooled' library. If you go to the ALURE homepage[1], you can download a source archive of the latest release. Within you'll find the documentation for the ALURE API.

[1] http://kcat.strangesoft.net/alure.html

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