On 05/25/2014 05:21 PM, Andrew Edwards wrote:
Hello All,

I wrote the following convenience functions to aid in my studies.
Unfortunately, I'm using Java books (Ali I will get to yours soon
enough) so the need was necessitated by the frequency of use in the
examples. Would appreciate a sanity check. Is there something that I
should be thinking about am obviously not? Comments/criticisms appreciated.

------------ io.d ------------
module io;

public import std.stdio;

private string buffer;

auto next(T)()
     import std.traits;
     import std.conv;
     import std.string;

     if(buffer.length == 0)
         buffer = stdin.readln;

     static if (isSomeString!T) {
         scope (exit) buffer = null;
         return buffer.strip;
     else {
         scope (exit) buffer = buffer.strip;
         return parse!T(buffer);

auto next(T)(string msg)
     if (msg != null)

     return next!T;
------------ End ------------


Works like a charm here! :)

void main()
    auto s = next!string("What is your name? ");
    auto i = next!uint("Your age? ");
    auto a = next!string("Your address? ");
    auto arr = next!(string[])("Names of your children? ");

    writefln("%s year old %s lives in %s. Children: %s", i, s, a, arr);


  • next!T Andrew Edwards via Digitalmars-d-learn
    • Re: next!T Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn
      • Re: next!T Andrew Edwards via Digitalmars-d-learn
      • Re: next!T Andrew Edwards via Digitalmars-d-learn
        • Re: next!T Chris Nicholson-Sauls via Digitalmars-d-learn
          • Re: next!T Andrew Edwards via Digitalmars-d-learn
            • Re: ne... Chris Nicholson-Sauls via Digitalmars-d-learn

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