On Wednesday, 28 May 2014 at 17:39:15 UTC, monarch_dodra wrote:
On Wednesday, 28 May 2014 at 11:40:05 UTC, Wanderer wrote:
Sorry about typo, I meant



providor_symbol_map is an Associative Array, so you can't sort that. *Usually*, you want to do what the OP did, which is to get the keys, and sort them, but leave the AA unchanged. EG:

Val[Key] myAA;
Key[] mySortedKeys = myAA.keys.sort!((x, y)=> compare(myAA[x], myAA[y]))()

//Print values in incremented order:
foreach(key; mySortedKeys)
    writefln("%s: %s", key, myAA[key]);

I case this was not clear "compare" is an function you should replace with your own. It should simply define strict ordering of x and y. "<" is one such function.

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