Hello I need to pass a array in D to c. I have edited the code to the important parts. Normally in C I would just do this:

void myFunction(int *array)

Then pass it a array of whatever size. However I actually need the array to be in a struct so...

typedef struct{int* array;} examplestruct;

void myFunction(examplestruct parameter){


On the D end what type structure do I need to use to pass a array of unknown size inside a struct to the c function? I have tried stuff like:

struct examplestruct {long* array;}
long numar[50];
examplestruct parameters;
parameters.array = numuar;

When I do that I get type conflictions. Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (numar) of type long[50] to long*... I am not sure what setup I need to have here. Anyone know whats up?

Thanks! -Harpo

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