On Sat, 07 Jun 2014 08:56:37 +0000
"Nordlöw" via Digitalmars-d-learn <digitalmars-d-learn@puremagic.com>

> My recent
> https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/dmd/pull/3606
> fails in all the Auto-Testers but I don't understand why.
> Running make unittest locally in phobos using my locally built
> branch of dmd passes all tests.

The first thing that I would check would be to make sure that you're using the
latest code for dmd, druntime, and phobos. If you're missing an update for any
of them, then you could get different results.

Also, you're probably going to need to use DMD= to set dmd to the one that you
built in order to use the one that you built when building druntime and Phobos
instead of the one you installed normally and is in your PATH. e.g. on my box,
it would be something like

DMD=../dmd/src/dmd make -f posix.make MODEL=64

So, if you weren't aware of needing to do that, then that would easily explain
why you're seeing different results. But if you are doing that, and everything
is up-to-date, then I don't know what could be going wrong. Based on the
error, my guess would be that it's a compiler problem (and thus probably that
you're not testing with your updated compiler), but I don't know.

- Jonathan M Davis

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