On Saturday, 7 June 2014 at 17:04:36 UTC, bearophile wrote:

I am very new to D.

Welcome to D :-)

        alias the_row = string[];
        alias the_table = the_row[];

Here you are defining two types (and in D idiomatically types are written in CamelCase, so TheRow and TheTable).

        File inFile = File("account.txt", "r");

This is enough:

auto inFile = File("account.txt", "r");

        while (!inFile.eof())
                string row_in = chomp(inFile.readln());

This should be better (untested):

foreach (rawLine; inFile.byLine) {
    auto row = rawLine.chomp.idup.split("\t");

                the_table ~= row_out; //Error: string[][] is not an lvalue

theTable is not a variable, it's a type, so you need to define it like this:

string[][] table;


Thank you.

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