On Tuesday, 10 June 2014 at 16:13:31 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
Two options: do allMembers and filter it out to only be data members, or do some slicing of tupleof.stringof:

What trait should I use to filter out data members?

S s;
foreach(idx, member; s.tupleof) {
   writeln("Name: ", s.tupleof[idx].stringof[2..$]);


I tried

foreach (ix, memb; arg.args[0].front.tupleof)
    import std.stdio: writeln;

Almost there...except that the print seems to verbose and bit funny:

ref FKind __tup4778 = front(arg._args_field_0);
 , __tup4778.kindName
ref FKind __tup4779 = front(arg._args_field_0);
 , __tup4779.description
ref FKind __tup4780 = front(arg._args_field_0);
 , __tup4780.wikiURL
ref FKind __tup4781 = front(arg._args_field_0);

Did I do something wrong?

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