On 06/10/2014 01:48 PM, monarch_dodra wrote:

> I am ***INCREDIBLY*** glad D's stance is simply "depth first left to
> right".

I completely agree.

> It *supports* C style, but unless you are copy pasting some C
> code, you'd have to be mad in your head to actually ever use it.
> Honestly, try to declare:
> *A two element array of pointers to int
> *A pointer to a two element array of ints
> Tip: the solutions are in this set:
> int *arr1[2];
> int (*arr2)[2];
> int *(arr3[2]);

Madness! :)

> Also, the syntax is *so* horrible, the syntax is actually deprecated in
> D. And that's saying a lot, when you know how much Walter hates breaking
> code...

Going off topic, browse this thread for more fun: :p


  int (*(*(*f3)(int))(double))(float);

"f3 is a ..."


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