On Wednesday, 11 June 2014 at 02:30:01 UTC, WhatMeWorry wrote:
In Mr. Cehreli's book it says

Additionally, the length of dynamic arrays can be changed by assigning a value to this property:

int[] array; // initially empty
array.length = 5; // now has 5 elements

while in Mr. Alexandrescu's book, it says

To create a dynamic array, use a new expression (§ on page 51) as follows:

int[] array = new int[20]; // Create an array of 20 integers

Could someone please compare and contrast the two syntaxes. I presume the "new" command places the 2nd array in heap memory.

I would have read the second as creating a static array of 20 ints in heap memory, then assigning a dynamic array to point to it. The first one definitely does what you'd expect.

Wasn't Andres book based on D1.0? Or has he done another since then?

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