On 06/18/2014 06:04 PM, SomeRiz wrote:
Thanks Teoh

I'm trying compile but i get an error:

b.d(22): Error: function b.extractSerial (string input) is not callable
using ar
gument types (ProcessOutput)

According to its documentation, executeShell() returns a Tuple consisting of the return status and the output of the executed program:


Do not print the entire returned Tuple. Instead, print just the .status member of it:

    auto result = executeShell(a);

    if (result.status == 0) {
        // It worked! Now we can get the output:

        auto output = result.output;

        // Use 'output' here...

So, 'output' above is what you should pass to extractSerial() function that H. S. Teoh has written:

    assert(extractSerial(output) == "92716002xxxx");

(I have not tested the code above.)


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