On Wednesday, 18 June 2014 at 15:23:11 UTC, Kapps wrote:
On Wednesday, 18 June 2014 at 15:03:55 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
On 06/18/2014 06:28 AM, Chris wrote:
On Wednesday, 18 June 2014 at 11:57:06 UTC, Chris wrote:
Windows: in a D-DLL I'm trying to spawn a thread. However, nothing

auto myThread = spawn(&myFunction, thisTid);
send(myThread, arg);

The thread is never called. Any ideas? Thanks!

PS In an old DLL it used to work, there I called it with only one argument, i.e. spawn(&myFunction). Is thisTid messing it up, do I need
to pass something else?

Mystery solved. There was an audio delay so that the program had already finished, before the thread was properly executed. I _loooove_ Windows!

That can happen on Linux as well. So, the owner may have to call thread_joinAll() to wait for the worker:

import core.thread;

   auto myThread = spawn(&myFunction, thisTid);
   send(myThread, arg);

   // ... sometime before the program ends:


Alternatively, one should use non-daemon threads for this purpose.

Yeah, I've read about that, I think Adam mentions this in his cookbook as well. For my application the thread merely plays an audio file and is interrupted as soon as new input comes. The issue only came up, because in a test program the app finished, before Windows started to play (audio delay). In the real world app this isn't a problem cause it stays up an running. But still, I'm experiencing some weird behavior that might be down to the whole threading thing. Happy debugging!

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