Does enum have any effect on functions?

Is this:

mixin (Constant!("ln2"));
package enum T ln2(T)(Context context) {
        return log(T.TWO, context, false);

different from this:

mixin (Constant!("ln2"));
package /*enum*/ T ln2(T)(Context context) {
        return log(T.TWO, context, false);

The spec says that enums are used to declare constants. I'm not sure what it means for a function to be constant. My guess would be that the value of the function is CTFE'd and that value is stored as if it were a manifest constant, but that's not what happens. The enum functions operate exactly like the non-enum functions.

So either enum functions are different in some way or they're not. If they are different that should be in the spec. If not, enum before a function declaration should not be allowed.

  • enum functions Paul D Anderson via Digitalmars-d-learn

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