On 07/02/2014 08:29 PM, Puming wrote:

> I want to spawn several similar tasks and then wait for all of them to
> complete to go on do some other things, like:


> My current workaround is using messages:

I forgot to mention that if message passing is merely a "workaround" :) in this case then perhaps std.parallelism is more suitable.

For example, your code may be as simple as running a loop in .parallel in a foreach loop. The foreach loop would not advance until all of the parallel tasks have been completed:

import std.stdio;
import std.parallelism;
import std.range;

void task(size_t id)
    writefln("Working for %s", id);

void main()
    foreach (id; iota(10).parallel) {

    writeln("All done");


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