On Monday, 7 July 2014 at 21:32:30 UTC, JD wrote:
I'm using a compile time regex to find some tags in an input
string. Is it possible to capture the offset of the matches in
some way? Otherwise I have to "calculate" the offsets myself by
iterating over the results of matchAll.


I believe what matchAll returns evaluates its .front lazily, so aye; you need to pop it until you get to the match you want. :< (assuming I understand the question correctly)

You can however index the *captured fields* in a specific match. I couldn't wrap my head around your example pattern but see http://dpaste.dzfl.pl/f693db93c3a4 for a dumbed-down version.

You can't slice match, nor can you have foreach provide an index variable. This may be to have foreach include named fields? Not sure.

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