On 07/08/2014 05:13 PM, "Nordlöw" wrote:

> If I want randInPlace to take value arguments (such as structs) by
> reference and reference types (classes) as normal is this

I don't understand what it means to fill a struct or a class object with random content.

> /** Generate Random Contents in $(D x).
>   */
> auto ref randInPlace(T)(auto ref T x) @safe /* nothrow */ if (isIterable!T)

hasAssignableElements is more correct.

> {
>      foreach (ref elt; x)
>      {
>          import std.range: ElementType;
>          static if (isInputRange!(ElementType!T))

The documentation of hasAssignableElements mentions that it implies isForwardRange and it makes sense: You don't want the range to be consumed as an InputRange would do.

>              elt[].randInPlace;
>          else
>              elt.randInPlace;
>      }
>      return x;
> }

> And how does this compare to using x[].randInPlace() when x is a static
> array?

Range algorithms don't work with static arrays because they can't popFront(). The solution is to use a slice to the entire array as you've already done as x[]. ;)

> Does x[] create unnecessary GC-heap activity in this case?

No. Static array will remain in memory and x[] will be a local slice. A slice consists of two members, the equivalent of the following:

struct __SliceImpl
    size_t length;
    void * pointer_to_first_element;

> I'm wondering because (auto ref T x) is just used in two places in
> std.algorithm and std.range in Phobos. Is this a relatively new
> enhancement?

Phobos algorithms use ranges. The following is what I've come up with very quickly:

import std.stdio;
import std.range;
import std.traits;
import std.random;

void randInPlace(R)(R range)
    if (hasAssignableElements!R)
    foreach (ref e; range) {

void randInPlace(E)(ref E element)
    if (isNumeric!E)
    // BUG: Never assigns the value E.max
    element = uniform(E.min, E.max);

void randInPlace(E)(ref E element)
    if (isBoolean!E)
    element = cast(bool)uniform(0, 2);

void main()
    auto arr = [ [ 0, 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4, 5 ] ];
    writefln("%s", arr);

    auto barr = [ [ false, true ], [ false, true ] ];
    writefln("%s", barr);


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