On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 02:49:55AM +0000, WhatMeWorry via Digitalmars-d-learn 
> Sorry if this is an incredibly naive question.
> I prefer to pragmatically pause my programs periodically so that I can
> peruse output statements. Ideally, I'd like to continue by just hitting any
> old key. My feeble attempt below requires I enter at least one character and
> then the enter key.
> char ignore;
> writeln("Enter to continue");
> readf(" %s", &ignore);
> Is there a way to continue with any old key press? or just the enter key?

I don't know about Windows, but on Linux, you can just press ctrl-s and
ctrl-q to pause/resume the console. (This is a Linux terminal function,
not specific to D.)


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