Am 02.08.2014 22:21, schrieb seany:
In my previous post
( I
asked for an array of pointers to different types, as a stack for my
own, where I can generate and insert runtime variables.

However, seems like I need to know the type of variable the pointer is
pointing to. That is,

double pi = 3.14159;
size_t ptr = cast(ulong)π // so far oky

double pi_2 = *ptr; // this is where things break down

won't work.

What can I do if the type of the variable is not known?

if you really think you have to do this (and not use variants or something): use an appropriate cast,
i.e. double pi_2 = *(cast(double*)ptr);
furthermore: why not use void* instead of size_t?


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