On Monday, 4 August 2014 at 17:02:27 UTC, Peter Alexander wrote:
On Sunday, 3 August 2014 at 23:48:09 UTC, Martin wrote:
When I use the spawnProcess function in std.process, the command line arguments that I provide to the function seem to get "quoted".

I can't reproduce this on OS X with 2.066rc1 (args are unquoted).

Arguments on POSIX systems are passed to programs in a different way than on Windows. On POSIX, the arguments are passed as an array of zero-terminated strings (when a command is given as a string, a shell breaks it up into an argument array before running the program). On Windows, the arguments are passed as a string, and are parsed into an array by the executed program (or its language runtime). Although generally Windows programs use the OS function CommandLineToArgvW, they have no obligation to do so, and may implement their own algorithm.

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