On Saturday, 2 August 2014 at 12:42:00 UTC, Gary Willoughby wrote:
What is the preferred format people here use for program config files? Json, Xml, ini, etc?

Also what libraries exist to parse the preferred format?

Preffered one is the one a RTL(run time library) or a VCL(visual component library) uses. I hate those using markups, like xml. ugly, hard to edit eg in notepad.
I hate ini. ini is kind of a beginner format. ini is ridiculous.

A good config file format has to
- be editable.
- be strongly used in the lang. standard library: the one used cause it's good. - not ini. ini files = child happy to discover he can save and load settings. - convertible: even if it's a proprietary format it must be convertible to json or xml or yaml (or ini for the children). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshalling_(computer_science).

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