On Thursday, 31 July 2014 at 10:22:28 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:
On Thursday, 31 July 2014 at 02:03:37 UTC, Puming wrote:
1. Are AAs reference type? if so, why does the compiler copy it?

This is probably your problem. They are reference types, but initially that reference is `null`. When you write:

    auto cmds = CONFIG.commands;

`cmds` contains a copy of the `null` value. On assignment, the actual AA is created, and assigned to `cmds`, but not back to `CONFIG.commands`. Try initializing the AA in your class constructor.

I checked the code and could concur your suggestion.

What I found strange were:

1. The only way that I can initialize it is to assign a value. But I want to initialize an empty AA, is that possible?

2. CONFIG.commands is not `null` before initialized, it is '[]'(when I writeln it). But it still behave like what you described (except that it won't produce an NullPointer Exception.

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