On Monday, 18 August 2014 at 17:42:37 UTC, ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
On Mon, 18 Aug 2014 06:46:02 +0000
bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn <digitalmars-d-learn@puremagic.com>

accepting useless code confuses newbies
i think that i'm not really a newbie now ;-), but i'm still used to declare various private module functions and variables as 'static'. yes, sometimes this confuses me (as to "do i need to make this sta... ah, scrap that, it's D!"), but sometimes this is handy. why? i'm still have to use C sometimes, and i'm writing 'static' automatically. having compiler to accept it for anything high-level saves me one regexp
search-and-replace. ;-)

I don't think he meant you personally. Well, I hope not. I was confused by it too and I don't consider myself a D newbie.

I get that it is convenient for you. I have done a lot of C myself. However, convenience loses to misleading in my book.

Consider that in the future, for example, "static interface Toto{}" means something different than "interface Toto{}". I am not debating whether or not that would ever happen or what would even be the meaning of a static interface (even though I have an idea), the point is more like this: every compiler version will accept both versions of said interface, but some of those compiler will interpret it differently. Now that's a problem.


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