
I'm implementing some template checks on some types I'm using in a project, and went to phobos for some indications on how to use them.

In std.range, I see this construct quite a bit:

template isInputRange(R)
    enum bool isInputRange = is(typeof(
    (inout int = 0)
        R r = R.init;     // can define a range object
        if (r.empty) {}   // can test for empty
        r.popFront();     // can invoke popFront()
        auto h = r.front; // can get the front of the range

Can anyone explain the:
    (inout int = 0) {}

section to me?

It looks very....hacky.

I see 3 distinct parts playing a role in my confusion:
A) The 'is' keyword. What does it do when you have is(expression);
B) typeof( expression ); whats this doing? Particularly when the expression its acting on is a closure that returns nothing? (at least as far as I can see)
C) The closure expression:
(inout int = 0) {
   // Check to see if I can do InputRangy stuff...
Why is there a need for that inout int = 0 clause at the start of it?

Sorry for the long question!


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