On Saturday, 30 August 2014 at 07:24:39 UTC, Philippe Sigaud wrote:
On Sat, Aug 30, 2014 at 1:37 AM, nikki wrote:
I wasn't too happy about it and I wrote my own little parse thingie and have
a literate version nice and meta and small and sloppy ;)


I use it to change my d sourcefile slightly (into valid markdown) then I use a node module (ghmd) to make sortof sexy html from that.

Nice. Maybe you could strip the initial whitespaces in the code parts: due to blocks, your code lines are shifting to the right. If you document something that's inside a method inside a class, you're bound to have problems :)

Right now, you're documenting your code in a linear way. That's good, but for me, most of LP is based around the idea of naming snippets and referring to them in code, to be explained elsewhere:

Here is the main loop:

void main() {
    <Initialize Variables>
    <Precompute State>
    foreach(i; 0..max) {
        <Do Computation>

Before doing all this, we need to initialize the variables:

<Initialize Variables>= ...

Of course, snippets can refer to other snippets, recursively.

Do you have any plan to go there?

Ah that sounds interesting too! Immediately I start thinking in terms like tidlywiki http://tiddlywiki.com/ or something similar, I guess the emacs way described earlier also would support this. I personally always enjoy reading the readthedocs stuff http://docs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ is that the sort of stuff you mean?

My current usage of the little script is just for small projects which basically are written in one or a few files (I am only just dipping my toe in D ;) ) but I imagine larger projects would need some linking in the docs anyhow so I definitely will look into that eventually.

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