The documentation says "To overload a[], simply define opIndex with no parameters":

And it works with some uses of a[]. However, opSlice() seems to be needed to actually use the returned slice further.

Note that opSlice() also seems to be for backward compatibility: "For backward compatibility, a[] and a[i..j] can also be overloaded by implementing opSlice() with no arguments and opSlice(i, j) with two arguments, respectively. This only applies for one-dimensional slicing, and dates from when D did not have full support for multidimensional arrays. This usage of opSlice is discouraged."

How can I achieve the last line in main() without needing opSlice()? I am trying to let the Slice type handle opAssign() and friends.

import std.stdio;

struct Collection
    int[] elements;

    /* Handles the slice operations */
    struct Slice
        int[] slice;

        Slice opAssign(int value)
            slice[] = value;
            return this;

    Slice opIndex()
        return Slice(elements);

    Slice opSlice()
        return Slice(elements);

void main()
    auto c = Collection([ 0, 1, 2, 3]);

    // This works with either operator but opIndex is favored. (You can
    // comment out opSlice() and it will still work.)

    // This requires opSlice.
    c[] = 42;


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