One issue with struct-based input ranges: Saving the state of an input range is not supported (by definition of input range), and yet, you can trivially and accidentally do so with a simple assignment or passing into a function. The results may or may not blow up depending on the exact situation.

And if the input range happens to hit a poorly-implemented algorithm which *should* be statically requiring a ForwardRange and using ".save()" to duplicate state, but instead accepts any range and (accidentally?) saves state by simple struct copy...which will work fine for most struct-based forward ranges and therefore could go completely unnoticed...Then once again, your input range touches it and BOOM.

This *could* be addressed by making the input range a class, but that seems a bit overkill in many cases.

So I'm tempted to give my struct-bassed input ranges a @disable'd postblit. That would solve the problem, right? Would there be any reason NOT to do this?

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