There are multiple problems with the code. Is that really what you are using?

On 09/12/2014 06:35 AM, seany wrote:
consider the following :

in file a.d

module a;

class class_a

    struct RESULT{
    string[] raw;
    void* res;


void dothing()
    r = new RESULT;

Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (new RESULT) of type RESULT* to RESULT

    string aa = "string";

    r.raw ~= aa;
    r.res = cast(void*) aa;


in file b.d

import a;    // import path is okey

class class_b;

That semicolon should not be there?


    void doThings(class_a * ptr_a)
      class_a A = &ptr_a;

Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (& ptr_a) of type class_a** to a.class_a



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