On Monday, 15 September 2014 at 22:45:50 UTC, Cassio Butrico wrote:
how to transform decial point "3.15" to "3,15" comma?

Hello everyone, I am making a registry of real amounts,
and need trasformar fractional numbers,
so print coretamente.

there is some routine that do this?

Is the , (comma) the system decimal separator? if so, you can use C intero and include locale.h header (in D, the respective module) call setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "") function and then printf("%g", 3.5) will output (if decimal separator is the comma): 3,5

I haven't tested it in D but I think D's writefln() will behave exactly same as C's printf().. but it didn't you're free to call C's printf()

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