On Monday, 22 September 2014 at 00:30:44 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
On Monday, 22 September 2014 at 00:18:03 UTC, AsmMan wrote:
this give undefined identifier: 'put' error. (std.array is already included, buffer.put(string) doesn't give same error)

You need to import std.range.

Thanks, I was thinking std.array is enough

The copy of an array doesn't happen often as string but do suggest to I want something else instead of appender?

No, I was just thinking aloud about how Appender could be improved in the future.

To minimize allocations right now, you could write your own put-like function which calls Appender.reserve.

this is not critical (for now, I'm not doing any optmization) but I'll save the idea.

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