On 09/30/2014 10:35 AM, "Nordlöw" wrote:

> On Sunday, 28 September 2014 at 20:28:11 UTC, Jay wrote:
>> fwiw here's what i wrote:
>> template New(T) if (is(T == class)) {
>>     T New(Args...) (Args args) {
>>         return new T(args);
>>     }
>> }
> My try
> template New(T) if (is(T == class))
> {
>      T New(Args...) (Args args) {
>          return new T(args);
>      }
> }
> unittest
> {
>      class C { int x, y; }
>      auto x = New!C;
> }
> fails as
> typecons_ex.d(60,16): Error: outer function context of
> typecons_ex.__unittestL64_4 is needed to 'new' nested class
> typecons_ex.__unittestL64_4.C
> typecons_ex.d(67,14): Error: template instance
> typecons_ex.New!(C).New!() error instantiating

Apparently, a class definition even inside a unittest blocks are considered to be nested classes.

Normally, objects of nested classes are created by the 'this.new' syntax, 'this' meaning the object that wraps the nested class.

class Outer
    class Inner

    Inner makeInner()
        return this.new Inner();

void main()
    Outer o = new Outer;
    Outer.Inner i = o.makeInner();

i contains a context pointer to its creators so that it can access the outer object's members.

To make a nested class unnested, declare it as static, which seems to work in your case as well:

    class C { int x, y; }
    auto x = New!C();


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