On Thursday, 9 October 2014 at 13:29:27 UTC, Etienne wrote:
On 2014-10-09 8:54 AM, anonymous wrote:
This compiles:

align(16) union __m128i { ubyte[16] data; } /* note the position
of the semicolon */

void store(__m128i* src, __m128i* dst) {
         movdqu XMM0, [src]; /* note: [src] */
         movdqu [dst], XMM0;

Yes, this does compile, but the value from src never ends up stored in dst.

void main() {
        __m128i src;
        src.data[0] = 255;
        __m128i dst;
        writeln(src.data); // shows 255 at offset 0
        store(&src, &dst);
        writeln(dst.data); // remains set as the initial array


Is this how it's meant to be used?

I'm out of my knowledge zone here, but it seems to work when you
move the pointers to registers first:

void store(__m128i* src, __m128i* dst) {
         mov RAX, src;
         mov RBX, dst;
         movdqu XMM0, [RAX];
         movdqu [RBX], XMM0;

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