On Wednesday, 22 October 2014 at 20:29:58 UTC, Cjkp wrote:
Hello, I have an idea about a small code tool related to the application resources. It would rely on the assumption that some global variabled, sharing the same type and attributes, declared in group, are contiguous.

In short I need to know if the following assertions are always true and reliable over time:

import std.stdio;

// used as base adress
static string beg = "";
// arbitrary generated by a tool and mixed at compile time.
static string a = "";
static string b = "";
static string c = "";
static string d = "";
static string e = "";
static string f = "";

void main(string args[])
    void* offs = &beg;
assert( &a == (offs + (size_t.sizeof * 2) * 1) ); // length + ptr assert( &b == (offs + (size_t.sizeof * 2) * 2) ); // length + ptr
    assert( &c == (offs + (size_t.sizeof * 2) * 3) ); // etc.
    assert( &d == (offs + (size_t.sizeof * 2) * 4) );

In a second time I need to be sure that the return tuple of the trait "allMembers" follow the declarations order. The documentation says that:

"The order in which the strings appear in the result is not defined".

But so far, it looks like it's ordered according to the declaration (at least for a module containing only some global variables).

Any other remarks about the topic are welcome.

Plese don't do this, it's undefined behavior and could make you
code invalid with a new compiler release or different compiler.
If possible use static arrays instead.
int[2] arr=[1,2];
@property auto ref b(){
     return arr[1];

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