On Friday, 24 October 2014 at 00:21:52 UTC, Etienne Cimon wrote:
On 2014-10-23 20:12, bearophile wrote:
In D all class instances contain a pointer to the class and a monitor pointer. The table is used for run-time reflection, and for standard
virtual methods like toString, etc.


So what's the point of making a class or methods final? Does it only free some space and allow inline to take place?

Like bearophile said the vtable is required for virtual methods. Consider this code:

import std.stdio : writeln;

class A { void foo() {writeln("A");} }
final class B : A { override void foo() {writeln("B");} }

void main() {
    A a = new B();

In order for the call to foo to run the correct version of foo, B needs to have a vtable. Since all classes in D implicitly inherit from Object, which has some virtual methods, all classes need to have a vtable.


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