As a Windows programmer using D, I find a number of questionable things with D's focus on using string everywhere. It's not a huge deal to add in UTF-8 to UTF-16 mapping in certain areas, but when it comes to working with a lot of data and Windows API calls, the less needless conversions the better.

I like the DirEntries (std.file) approach to traversing files and folders in a directory (almost as nice as C++14's <filesystem>), but I think its a bit odd that native-OS strings aren't used in D here. Sure, I get that having a fairly consistent programming interface may make using the language easier for certain programmers, but if you're using D with Windows, then you will be made well aware of the incompatibilities between D's strings and the Windows API (unless you always use ASCII I suppose).

Anyway, I'm curious if proposing changes to those interfaces is worthwhile, or if I should just modify it for my own purposes and leave the standard library be.

P.S. Its a shame to keep running into Unicode issues with D and Windows, and sometimes its a bit discouraging. Right before I peeked into DirEntry, I worked a bit on a workaround for stdio.File's unicode problems (a documented bug thats 2+ years old). I remember trying D a while back and giving up because optlink was choking on paths. And just yesterday it choked on what the %PATH% environment variable was set to, so I had to clear that before running it.

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