On 2014-10-25 13:37:54 +0000, Rares Pop said:

Hello everyone,

I am trying to understand UDA traits scoping while mixing in code.
Aiming to generate code based on UDA I wonder if the following is possible:

class A
    Logger logger;

    SomeOtherClass dependency;

    mixin injections!(A)


In "injections" function I want to iterate through members annotated with the @Inject attribute and generate some specific code.
So far in my attempts the compiler complains about unknown identifier A.
Should the A class be available to the compiler at the time of the mixin invocation?

Thanks for your help,

Very much possible. Since I don't see what your template is doing, I'm going to give it a guess:

class A{
        mixin injections;

template injections

.... typeof(this); // e.g. foreach( tra; __traits(getAttributes, typeof(this)))


typeof(this) will be A.

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