On Sunday, 26 October 2014 at 22:53:09 UTC, Neven wrote:
On Sunday, 26 October 2014 at 22:21:17 UTC, Damian wrote:
On Sunday, 26 October 2014 at 22:14:25 UTC, Neven wrote:
I'm trying to use Mutex from core.sync.mutex; but when I try to initialize it at compile time this error pops up:

Error: constructor core.sync.mutex.Mutex.this core.sync.mutex.Mutex cannot be constructed at compile time, because the constructor has no available source code

So I try to initialize it at run time but whenever I use that mutex in code (via synchronized blocks) I get segmetation faults (SIGSEGV).

Code here: http://pastebin.com/Z8Yj2kwY

__gshared Mutex mutex;

Thanks, that works now; but why?

Why cannot I globally have auto mutex = new Mutex? And why it works now when I put __gshared?

You can use auto mutex = cast(shared)(new Mutex());

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