On Sunday, 26 October 2014 at 06:20:45 UTC, Suliman wrote:
Unfortunately that library has no dub package.
But you can include it in your project.

See info here http://code.dlang.org/package-format

I can't understand how to set in dub that I need to to include in compilation process other files... Could you help me?

You can set up different configurations. Here's a template / example:

        "name": "myproject",
        "description": "Something useful, hopefully.",
        "copyright": "Copyright © 2014, Me, myself and I",
        "authors": ["Me"],
  "homepage" : "http://www.me.com/";,
        "dependencies": {

  "configurations": [
      "name": "config_1",
      "targetType": "executable",
      "platforms": ["linux"],
      "lflags": [
"-Llib/linux/64bit" [=> Here you tell the compiler where to find the libraries]
      "libs": [
        "somelib",  [=> Here you tell it which libraries to use]
"excludedSourceFiles": ["source/dll/dllmain.d", "source/dll/mylib.d"],
      "name": "config_2",
      "targetName": "mylib.dll",
      "targetType": "dynamicLibrary",
      "targetPath": "bin/windows/32bit/dll",
      "platforms": ["windows"],
      "lflags": [
      "libs": [
      "mainSourceFile": "source/dll/dllmain.d",
      "sourceFiles-windows-x86-dmd": ["source/dll/blah.d"],
      "excludedSourceFiles": ["source/app.d"],

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